
Demonstration Videos for the HQC units

HQC 330ml beer bottle marking

APPLICATION: Beer Bottle sample marking

Customer required batch-coding of brown glass beer bottles. Specialty/Boutique brewery, therefore budget not extending to a more expensive inkjet printing system.

Equipment is to be installed after filling machine.

Printing Equipment: 

HQC (Hot Quick-Coder) sample marking video

Hot Quick-coder manual printingAPPLICATION: Manual Printing Foil Drinking Sachets

Customer required use-by date-coding of flexible foil drinking sachets. Initially, application is to be manual printing, after manual filling and sealing, however as the new product grows more automated equipment is to be used, requiring the Hot Quick-Coder to then be installed after sealing machine seals the bottom portion of the sachet

Printing Equipment: 

HQC Automotive Dot Identification marking

APPLICATION: Marking a coloured ID Dot onto Automotive parts

Customer required a simple colour-coded spot, or dot on their components, to indicate that component had undergone a particular process.

The requirement was to be able to easily and conveniently change the colour of the dot. Note that in these sample-marking videos the coding is a logo to indicate the capabilities of the Hot QuickCoder beyond that of a simple dot.

Printing Equipment: 
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